The Journal of Planning, Architecture, and Design (JPAD) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, scientific, and open-access e-journal published by the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Bursa Technical University. The journal aims to contribute to the fields of urban and regional planning, architecture, interior architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture, as well as their interdisciplinary domains. Its mission is to enhance the quality of research and promote the exchange of academic studies at both national and international levels by encouraging theory- and research-focused works. Additionally, it supports the publication of practical studies in urban and regional planning, architecture, and design with a conceptual perspective.
JPAD, as a scientific, peer-reviewed academic e-journal, focuses on high-quality and original research articles in the fields of regional planning, urban planning, architectural design, urban design, architectural history, urban history, conservation and restoration, building physics, building technologies and systems, landscape architecture, interior design, and information technologies in planning and design. It also welcomes original studies by researchers addressing these topics from the perspective of social sciences.
The journal publishes original and high-quality research articles and review papers, as well as practice-oriented planning, architecture, and design projects. Additionally, it features critiques, opinions, and evaluations, along with interviews, translations, and book summaries.
Guide for Authors
Articles should be prepared in Word format on A4-sized paper (210 x 297 mm), using Calibri font, with margins of 2.5 cm at the top and bottom and 2 cm on the left and right. All pages, starting from the title and abstract page, must be sequentially numbered.
Articles submitted for publication can be in either Turkish or English. The text length for original research articles, including titles, abstracts, figure and table captions, footnotes, and references, must be a minimum of 5000 words and a maximum of 8000 words. Similarly, review articles should not exceed 5000 words, while critiques, evaluations, and book summaries should not exceed 2000 words.
Articles must be submitted via the Dergipark system. Authors should upload two copies of their article to the system: one including author information and the other anonymized. The anonymized copy should be saved and uploaded as “Anonymous_Article.doc.”
Authors must also upload a similarity (plagiarism) report prepared using Turnitin or iThenticate during submission. The similarity index of the article must be below 20%.
Authors are required to upload a signed Copyright Transfer Agreement during submission. Click here to access the agreement.
The article title, which should reflect the content concisely and comprehensively, must not exceed 15 words. The title should be written in 14-point Calibri font, bold, left-aligned, with the first letter of each word capitalized. There should be a 24 pt space before the title, and it should be single-spaced.
Directly below the Turkish title, the English title should be provided. The English title should also be written in 14-point Calibri font, left-aligned, with the first letter of each word capitalized, in normal (non-bold) style. A 6 pt space should be left before the English title, and it should also be single-spaced.
If the article is in English, the English title should appear first, followed by the Turkish title below.
Immediately below the English (or Turkish) title, the author(s)’ full name(s) should be listed. The first letter of the first name(s) should be capitalized, and surnames should be written entirely in uppercase letters. If there are multiple authors, their names should be separated by commas. Author names should be left-aligned, in 11-point Calibri font, with an 18 pt space before and single spacing.
At the end of each surname, a superscript number should indicate a footnote containing the following details: university name, faculty name, department/institution, city, country, and ORCID ID. The footnote should be in 9-point font, single-spaced, with no space before or after the text.
The responsible author’s email address should be included at the bottom of the footnote section.
The anonymized “Anonymous_Article.doc” file must not include author names or author-related information.
The abstract should clearly state the purpose, scope, method, significance, originality, and contributions of the study, all within 150–200 words. It should not include information not covered in the article. Definitions, visual aids, tables, quotations, or references should not appear in the abstract.
The abstract heading should be written in all uppercase letters, 11-point Calibri font, bold, and left-aligned, with single spacing and a 12 pt space before.
The abstract text should be in 10-point Calibri font, justified, single-spaced, and without paragraph indentation. A 6 pt space should be left at the end of each paragraph.
Below the abstract, a list of keywords should be provided, aligned to the left, in 10-point font. The keywords should reflect the subject, scope, and content of the article and should consist of at least three and no more than five words.
The phrase “Keywords” should be written in bold, followed by a colon, after which the keywords should be written in normal font and separated by commas. Each keyword should begin with a capital letter.
The Turkish keywords should follow the English abstract title and text. The Abstract title should be written in all uppercase letters, 11-point Calibri, bold, left-aligned, with single line spacing. A 12-point spacing should be left before the paragraph, and it should be written with single line spacing.
The English abstract text should be italicized, written in 10-point font, single line spacing, justified alignment, and without paragraph indentation. A 6-point spacing should be left at the end of paragraphs.
If the article is in English, the Abstract title should be followed by the English abstract text written in regular font, accompanied by the keywords. Subsequently, the Turkish abstract title and the Turkish abstract text in italic font, along with the Turkish keywords, should be provided.
Immediately below the English abstract text, keywords should be written in 10-point italic font, left-aligned. The term "Keywords" should be written in bold, followed by a colon. Keywords should be in regular font, separated by commas, and each keyword's first letter should be capitalized.
The main text of the article should be structured to present the aim, scope, research universe, material, method, findings, and conclusions of the study. The order of the subsections should be arranged and named according to the type of the article and the structure of the writing. Research articles prepared within the scope of the journal can consist of sections such as "Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion." However, in cases where interdisciplinary studies, as required by the scope of the journal, or review articles, current discussions, critiques, and evaluation writings are included, the main text between the Introduction and Conclusion sections may contain differently named subsections. At the end of the main text, acknowledgments (if necessary) and references sections should be included.
The Introduction section should clearly state the purpose, scope, and significance of the study. The necessity of the topic should be emphasized and evaluated in light of existing studies, and the expected contributions of the study should be highlighted. The use of figures and tables should be avoided in this section.
Section Title
Primary section titles within the main text of the article should be written in all capital letters, using the Calibri font, bold, and size 11 pt, aligned to the left. A 12 pt space should be left before the title, and it should be written with single line spacing.
Paragraphs following the section title should be written in Calibri font, size 11 pt, with justified alignment and single line spacing, and there should be a 6 pt space at the end of each paragraph.
Subheadings (second-level headings) may be used within the main text of the article if necessary. Subheadings should be written in Calibri font, 11 pt, and bold, with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Single line spacing should be used for subheadings, with no space before or after the paragraph.
Paragraphs following the subheading should be written in Calibri font, 11 pt, with justified alignment and single line spacing, and there should be a 6 pt space at the end of each paragraph.
Third-Level Heading
Third-level headings may be used if necessary. Third-level headings should be written in Calibri font, size 11 pt, bold and italicized, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized.
Care should be taken to use direct quotations sparingly and ensure they do not exceed a certain proportion of the entire text. Quotations of fewer than 40 words should be enclosed in double quotation marks, with the source cited. For quotations exceeding 40 words, block quotes should be used without quotation marks. Block quotes should start 1 cm from the left margin and be written in 10 pt font. The source should be cited at the end of the quote. Omissions in the original text should be indicated by three dots, and the author's personal opinions should be noted in square brackets.
In-text citations should follow the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th Edition guidelines. Click here for writing rules and citation formats.
Tables should be numbered in the order they appear in the text. Tables must be referenced within the text and placed in the section following the paragraph that cites them, centered. The table title should be short, concise, and descriptive, centered directly above the table in 10 pt font. The word "Table" and its number should be bold and upright. Only the first letter of the first word in the title should be capitalized. If a table is sourced from another work, the source must be provided, and the source citation should follow the same format as in-text citations.
Tables should be formatted similarly to the example provided in the writing template. Text within tables should be in 9 pt font. Notes should be placed below the table in 8 pt font. The table's width should not exceed 16 cm, and page orientation should not be changed to fit the table on the page.
Photographs, images, graphs, maps, diagrams, and other visual content used in the article should be labeled as "Figure." Figures should be numbered in the order they appear in the text, and placed in the relevant section following the paragraph that cites them, centered. A reference to the figure must be included within the text. Descriptions of the figures should be written immediately below the figure without leaving any line breaks, in 10 pt font. The word "Figure" and its number should be bold and upright. Only the first letter of the first word in figure descriptions should be capitalized and the description should be centered. If the figure is sourced from another work, the source must be provided, and the citation should follow the same format as in-text citations. The figure's width should not exceed 16 cm.
Other Representations
Symbols, abbreviations, and definitions should be in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear in the text. Abbreviations must be consistent throughout the article.
Mathematical representations (formulas, equations) should be prepared using the equation tools in MS Word. A reference to the mathematical representation must be made in the text. Variables used in mathematical representations should be italicized and explained within the text. The term “Equation” should be used for formulas. Mathematical representations should be centered and written in 10 pt italic font. The equation number should be placed in parentheses at the bottom right and numbered sequentially.
This section may also be titled "Discussion," "Conclusion," or "Evaluation," depending on the type of the article and the structure of the text.
In this section, the contribution of the study in relation to the topic and problem addressed is analyzed in light of the existing literature, the contributions of the findings to theory and practice are discussed, and the implications of the study are interpreted. Visuals, tables, and long quotations should not be included in this section.
If there are individuals or institutions that contributed to the research, they should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgments" section, for example: "Supported by TÜBİTAK [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]." If the article is based on a previously presented abstract but not published in full as an article, thesis, or other work, this should be noted in the "Disclosure" section. This part should be written in 10 pt font, with single line spacing.
All sources cited in the text should be listed in the References section. The references should be arranged alphabetically by the authors' last names, without sub-sections. Each source should have a 1 cm hanging indent starting from the second line. The references should be written in 10 pt font, with single line spacing and left-aligned, with a 6 pt space at the end of each paragraph.
The references should be prepared according to APA Style 6th Edition.
Journal of Planning, Architecture and Design (JPAD) Publication Ethics Guidelines
The Journal of Planning, Architecture and Design (JPAD) adheres to the ethical principles and standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and ensures that these principles are observed by all parties involved in the publication process (authors, editors, and reviewers). Below are the ethical responsibilities outlined for authors, editors, and reviewers:
Authors' Ethical Responsibilities
- Authors must avoid actions violating research ethics, such as plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, duplicate publication, salami slicing, and honorary authorship, as outlined in the Higher Education Institutions' Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics.
- Copyrights for ideas and artistic works must be respected. Appropriate permissions must be obtained for visual materials when necessary.
- All sources used in the article must be properly cited, following the journal's writing guidelines.
- Submissions should not have been previously published or be under review elsewhere.
- If the article is derived from a thesis or project, this must be explicitly stated at the end of the study.
- Data from the sources used in the study must be interpreted objectively.
- Authors must notify the editor or publisher if they identify an error in their work during the review or publication process and request correction or retraction.
- For research requiring ethics committee approval, authors must ensure that necessary approvals and consents from participants are obtained and referenced in the article.
- In multi-author articles, the author list and order should be finalized at the time of submission. All individuals who contributed significantly to the study's design, execution, or interpretation must be listed as co-authors. Changes to the author list or order after submission require written approval from all authors and are subject to the editor's review.
- Individuals who did not contribute to the study should not be listed as authors, and all listed authors must be knowledgeable about the submitted work.
Editors' Ethical Responsibilities
- Editors must strive to meet the information needs of readers and authors, improve the journal, and enhance the quality and content of published works.
- Editors should support authors' freedom of thought and protect intellectual property rights.
- They are responsible for ensuring that published content complies with journal policies and does not violate human or animal rights, with all necessary ethical approvals obtained.
- Editors must maintain current and accessible information about the journal's editorial policies, peer review processes, and submission guidelines.
- Rejected articles during the preliminary review must be accompanied by a clear explanation to the author.
- Editors must select reviewers based on their expertise and ensure no conflicts of interest arise during the review process.
- Double-blind peer review must be maintained, ensuring the confidentiality of authors' and reviewers' identities.
- Editors should regularly update the reviewer database based on expertise areas and aim to broaden the reviewer pool.
- Editorial board members should be selected based on their active contribution to the journal's development, and regular meetings should be held to discuss journal matters.
- Records of each article and related correspondence should be stored electronically for future reference.
Reviewers' Ethical Responsibilities
- Reviewers should only accept manuscripts related to their area of expertise for evaluation.
- They must decline to review if they suspect any conflict of interest and promptly inform the editors.
- Reviewers should provide constructive and academically appropriate feedback, avoiding offensive or subjective comments.
- Reviewers must respond to review invitations promptly and complete evaluations within the specified timeframe.
- Confidentiality must be upheld, and reviewers must not share or disclose information about the manuscript until its publication.
Journal of Planning, Architecture and Design (JPAD) dergisi ücretsiz bir Açık Erişim Dergisi'dir. Makale gönderim ücreti yoktur. Başvuru, değerlendirme, yayın aşamalarında veya sonrasında yazar veya kurumdan herhangi bir ücret alınmaz. Derginin içeriğine ücret ödemeden çevrimiçi olarak erişilebilir.